Dill Seedlings

Sale price$3.50

Dill plants typically grow to a height of 2-4 feet (60-120 cm) and have feathery, fern-like leaves that are bright green in color. The leaves are delicate and divided into thread-like segments, giving them a lacy appearance. The plant also produces small yellow flowers that are arranged in umbrella-shaped clusters called umbels.

Tips on how to grow Dill:

1- Choose the right location: Dill prefers full sun, so select a spot in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Ensure that the soil is well-draining.

2- Prepare the soil: Dill grows best in fertile, loamy soil. Before planting, amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve its fertility and drainage.

3- Space your plants: Dill likes its space, space your plants 12-18 inches apart.

4- Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Dill prefers slightly dry conditions, so avoid overwatering. Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry.

5- Mulch: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of the dill plants. This will help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

6- Fertilization: Dill doesn't require heavy fertilization. However, you can apply a balanced organic fertilizer once or twice during the growing season to provide essential nutrients.

7- Harvesting: Dill leaves can be harvested once the plant reaches about 8-12 inches in height. Snip off the leaves as needed, leaving some on the plant to continue growing. The seeds can be harvested when they turn brown and start to dry out on the plant.

Our Varieties:

 Bouquet Dill

Bouquet dill is a variety of dill that’s known for its tall and feathery foliage. It is named "bouquet" because of its attractive appearance, resembling a bouquet of delicate green leaves. The leaves of bouquet dill are finely divided and fern-like, giving the plant a lacy and airy appearance. They are a vibrant green color and have a strong, distinct aroma. The leaves are typically harvested and used as a culinary herb, adding a fresh and tangy flavor to dishes.

Bouquet dill plants can reach a height of 2-3 feet, making them a striking addition to herb gardens or flower beds. The plants produce small yellow flowers that are attractive to pollinators like bees and butterflies. These flowers eventually give way to seed heads, which can be harvested and used as dill seeds in cooking or for planting in the future.

Fern leaf Dill 

Fern leaf dill is a variety of dill that is known for its compact and bushy growth habit. It gets its name from the appearance of its leaves, which are finely divided and resemble the fronds of a fern. The leaves of fern leaf dill are delicate and feathery, with a bright green colour. They are smaller and more finely divided than those of other dill varieties, giving the plant a more compact and dense appearance. The leaves have a strong and distinct aroma, similar to other dill varieties, and are commonly used as a culinary herb.

Fern leaf dill plants typically reach a height of about 18-24 inches, making them a great choice for smaller gardens or containers. Despite their compact size, they still produce small yellow flowers that are attractive to pollinators like bees and butterflies. These flowers eventually give way to seed heads, which can be harvested and used as dill seeds in cooking or for planting in the future.

Fern leaf dill is also commonly used as a garnish or for flavouring vinegars and oils. 

Price: "Bouquet" Dill 4 Pack (4 Plants)