Onion Seedlings

Sale price$3.50

Onion plants typically grow as underground bulbs with long, tubular leaves above the ground. The bulbs are grown from seedlings, and vary in size, shape, and color depending on the variety. Common onion bulb colors include white, yellow, and red. The leaves are usually green and can grow up to 2 feet (60 centimeters) in length. They prefer well-drained soil and full sun exposure. Onions are typically planted in early spring.

Tips on how to grow Onions:

1. Onions are typically planted in early spring. Onions prefer cool weather and can tolerate light frosts.

2. Prepare the Soil: Onions prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Before planting, loosen the soil and remove any weeds or debris. Add compost or well-rotted manure to improve the soil's fertility.

3. Separate your Onion seedlings. Your seedlings will come all together in a group. You’ll need to gently tease each individual onion apart to separate them, and plant each little onion separately.

4. Planting Depth and Spacing: Space the seedlings according to the variety's recommended spacing, usually around 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) apart.

5. Watering: Onions require consistent moisture to grow well. Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overhead watering, as it can increase the risk of disease. Consider using mulch around the plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

6. Fertilizing: Onions are light feeders and do not require heavy fertilization. However, you can apply a balanced fertilizer or compost around the plants once or twice during the growing season to provide additional nutrients.

7. Weed Control: Keep the onion bed weed-free to reduce competition for nutrients and water. Regularly remove any weeds that may emerge.

8. Harvesting: Onions are typically ready for harvest when the tops start to yellow and fall over. Gently lift the onions from the soil and allow them to dry in a well-ventilated area for a few weeks. Once the outer skin is dry and papery, the onions can be stored for future use.

Our Varieties:

Bunching Onions

Bunching onions, also known as scallions or green onions, are a type of onion that is harvested before the bulb fully develops. Bunching onions have long, slender green leaves and a small, white bulb at the base. The leaves are hollow and have a mild onion flavor. Unlike traditional onions, bunching onions do not form a large bulb underground.

 Kelsea Giant Onions

"Kelsea Giant" onions are a specific variety of onion known for their large size. "Kelsea Giant" onions are known for their impressive size. They can grow to be quite large, with some bulbs reaching up to 5 inches (12.7 cm) in diameter or even large. Like other onion varieties, "Kelsea Giant" onions have a distinct onion flavour. They can be used in a variety of culinary dishes, adding a strong and pungent taste.

Red Onions 

Red onions are a popular variety of onion known for their vibrant red or purple colour. Red onions have a distinctive deep red or purple outer skin and reddish-purple flesh. The bulbs are typically medium to large in size and have a flattened shape. The red colour comes from anthocyanin pigments, which also provide some health benefits. Red onions have a milder and sweeter flavour compared to other onion varieties. They are less pungent and have a slightly peppery taste. The flavour can vary depending on the specific variety and growing conditions.

Yellow Onions 

Yellow onions are a popular variety of onion known for their yellow or golden-brown outer skin and white flesh. Yellow onions have a round to slightly flattened shape with multiple layers of papery skin. The outer skin is typically yellow or golden-brown, while the inner flesh is white. The bulbs can vary in size, ranging from small to large. Yellow onions have a strong and pungent flavour. They are known for their robust and slightly sweet taste, making them a versatile ingredient in various culinary dishes. When cooked, yellow onions develop a rich and savory flavor.

 White Onions

White onions are a variety of onion known for their white or off-white outer skin and white flesh. White onions have a round to slightly flattened shape with multiple layers of papery skin. The outer skin is typically white or off-white, while the inner flesh is also white. The bulbs can vary in size, ranging from small to medium. White onions have a milder and sweeter flavour compared to other onion varieties. They are less pungent and have a slightly tangy and crisp taste. The flavor can vary depending on the specific variety and growing conditions.


Price: Bunching Onions Pack (20+ Seedling Plants)