Bulk Bucket of Peonies
Peonies are the absolute Queens of the spring flower scene, and for good reason! They're fragrant, ephemeral, and their layers and layers of ruffled petals steal the show every time. Years ago we planted an acre of peonies here on the farm, and that field provides endless joy every spring! Peonies are a customer favourite, and we're excited to offer them to you by the bucket. These pails of Peonies are perfect for parties and events, for sharing with friends, for creating bouquets for your loved ones, or for simply enjoying in your own home. Treat yourself! Peony season is fleeting, and we want you to be able to enjoy it to its fullest!
We're offering you three sizes of Peony pails: 50 stems, 75 stems, or 100 stems.
Our bulk buckets of peonies are available for pickup at our farm, as well as delivery within in our local delivery area, which is listed below.
Our Peonies are available between June 1st and June 25th.
Up to 20km - $9.95
Batawa, Carrying Place, Codrington, Frankford, Stirling, Trenton, Wooler
20 to 30km - 16.95
Belleville, Brighton, Foxboro, Warkworth
30 to 40km - 22.95
Campbellford, Colborne
40 to 50km - 28.95
Bloomfield, Grafton, Hastings, Shannonville, Marmora, Norwood, Tyendinaga
50 to 60km -33.95
Cobourg, Deseronto, Havelock, Picton, Madoc
60 to 70 km - 39.95
Napanee, Port Hope, Tweed, Picton, Madoc